©Text i fotos: Àngel Gené i Ramis; traducció a l'anglès: Montserrat Casanovas i Stobart; suport informàtic: Martí Gené i Ramis
The Roman wall, also used during the 10th century by the Islamic conquerors, continued parallel to Can Morey Street.
Can Morey street was situated outside the city walls until the eleventh century, when the Muslims drew a new city wall which included, apart from the Roman and Caliphate city, a new space from the outskirts, creating this way one of the largest cities of Europe in the period (perhaps the seventh after Rome, Paris, London and Cordoba).
Its irregularities in width and design are characteristics of the winding streets of the Islamic and Gothic city. These features gave these streets a special charm. Through the bars of the doorway number 14, you can see some remains of the Roman wall and one of its towers.
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