dimecres, 23 de juny del 2010

8. Cort Square, the Town Hall and some events of the twentieth century

©Text i fotos: Àngel Gené i Ramis; traducció a l'anglès: Montserrat Casanovas i Stobart; suport informàtic: Martí Gené i Ramis

This large square is called Cort, because the Mallorcan courts of justice were placed here, exactly at the same building which is now the Town Hall.

Author of the facade of the Town Hall:
Gabriel Torres (author of the eaves), inspired by the Atlantis on the cathedral’s pulpit by Juan Salas.

Period and Style:
17th century. Renaissance and Mannerism
Formal analysis (description):
Facade with curved pediment and wide eaves supported by anthropomorphic figures.

From the 13th century onwards this building was the headquarters of the "Gran i General Consell", entrusted with the island government in matters such as finance, public works, culture, health care, defense or economy.

In 1715, after Mallorca was conquered by the Castilian and French troops of Felipe V, the Consell was removed and its functions were taken by the Castilian Council and the new City Hall, which will follow the model of the Castilian city halls. The new City Hall will be placed in the same building of the former Consell.

Thanks to Josep M. Quadrado in the late nineteenth century, the facade wasn't transformed or destroyed as it was planned.
Many important events of the Mallorcan history during the 20th century happened precisely in Cort.

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